Name: Jeani Musselman
Name of Business: j. musselman photography
Type of Business: portrait photography
Web Site(s): www.jmusselman.com
Email: info @ jmusselman.com
Who are you?
In my personal life, I’m a mother of two [almost grown] boys, a wife, and one of those eternally optimistic, “cup half-full” kind of gals. I adore children, love to read, and enjoy being outside. I have a degree in computer technology, so the blending of art and science [in the digital world] is a natural fit. Professionally, I’m a portrait artist with a desire to capture the essence of my subjects.
What do you create?
Contemporary portrait photography; specializing in maternity, infants, kids, and high school seniors.

Where do you make your creations?
Typically, I shoot in the studio, but will also travel to a client’s home or a favorite outdoor location.
What makes your creations special or unique?
Rather than just document how a person looks, I want my images to inspire a feeling. I approach each session with the mindset of, ‘wow, we’re creating a legacy for future generations of this family’ - it’s a powerful thought.

What inspired you to become an artist?
As a youngster, I remember being mesmerized with photographs, especially those from generations past. It was an epiphany to realize that photographs are the link to our memories, our history. When you look at [one of your own] photographs, you’re transported back to that moment in time. Regardless of what’s happening in the world, your children will continue to grow and change. And even though you can buy “things”, you can’t buy a memory, or turn back the clock. That’s why it’s so important to keep recording those precious moments – whether you’re capturing images with a point-and-shoot camera at home, or having portraits professionally made.
One of our goals for 2009 will be setting up incentives and monthly specials to help our clients save some of their hard-earned moolah while enjoying the benefits of studio photography.

What really gets you in the mood to be creative?
I look at what the music industry is doing with music videos (the cinematography can be amazing!); I love to check out the album cover work on new releases. I’m a magazine junkie, and love to spend a few hours [at least once a week] checking out fashion spreads and advertising layouts.
What do you do to unclog a creative block?
Since most of my ‘work’ is done on a computer, I basically have to unplug for a while, and step away from the keyboard. Doing something outside helps tremendously: taking a walk, tending my flowers, raking leaves [or gasp – shoveling snow].
What is your favorite time to work?
Mornings – after a cup of coffee!
What else are you into?
I’m currently working on a line of holiday cards and announcements that will be launched in ‘09. I’m also planning to roll out a new look for my website (including the new logo which is included as a sneak peek here!).

What is a challenge you’ve had to overcome as an artist?
Managing the ‘business’ side of running a business; its definitely more fun to create!
What are you most grateful for?
My amazing children, …and everything they’ve taught me.
What is something very few people know about your art?
My style of photography is strongly influenced by the rules of ‘formal’ portraiture; so while I’m creating a contemporary portrait, there are key elements that I try to incorporate into the shot. Seemingly little things, like hand placement or the angle of a person’s face can make a huge difference.
What would you do if you had all the money in the world?
Well, after ending world hunger and bringing peace and prosperity to all mankind, I’d relocate my studio to a warmer climate! My “dream” studio would be located in an old warehouse located in the historic district of a charming community near the water (where architecture and scenery meet in a fusion of visual splendor).
Click the logo below to visit the j. musselman photography studio today!